Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner

You have raised remarkable humans. And I’m sorry your family is facing yet another struggle; best wishes for your dad to be healthy and home soon.

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Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner

Sending so many hugs, Liz. My dad passed suddenly in 2021. He and my mom had been married for almost 52 years. At the time, my son had just turned 2. Both my mom and I still say that we wouldn't have gotten through my dad's death with our sanity intact without my son. Sometimes on a day when the grief was particularly heavy, just playing trucks with him or reading him a book gave me a few minutes where I was able to breathe. Raising kids can be so tough, but wow, can they also be a guiding light.

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Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner

I love you too

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Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner

Lovely. In France, parents often chide their children to be wise when their behavior is less than optimal, “Sois sage, sois sage.” Sounds like you named her well. 💕

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Beautiful sentiment. Sending good thoughts to your dad and your family.

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Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner

tearing up over here... I'm not crying, you're crying!

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Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner


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Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner


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Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner

Man these kids <3 Wishing your dad a speedy recovery!!

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Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner

This is it for sure—beautifully expressed, Liz. I’m so sorry about your dad, hope he gets good care and is back home soon.

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It is wonderful when emotional support is reciprocated from our kids…concerned hugs by little arms and understanding hugs from teens and adult kids arms! Kind hearts ❤️

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Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner

This is such a beautiful observation about a really memorable transition that empathic kids make in young adullthood… thanks for the good tears, Liz. I wish your dad a swift recovery, here’s a big hug for all of you… ❤️

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Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner

wow.... hope your dad rebounds quickly.

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Sending you so much love.

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Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner

So sorry to hear about another hospital stay.

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Mar 6Liked by Liz Gumbinner

Sending you and your family lots of love ❤️

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