xoxo! i'll be there soon. ugh! 🙏🏻

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I am crying and my kids are 6 and 4. I remember so vividly my first month at college, I cried a lot alone in my room but I also made a lot of new friends. this past weekend my twin sister and I took our 3 kids to my college roommate’s house for the kids’ first sleepover we all have 4 year olds then I have the 6 year old and former roommate has an almost 2 year old. It was complete chaos but it’s pretty amazing to have been friends with someone for 17 years (and her husband entered the picture 16 years ago too!) as I recall we called our parents once a week as college students. I don’t know what I will do with my kids! I can’t picture them as teenagers now. I thank you for sharing your experience. ❤️

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Liz Gumbinner

I am smiling with tears and I don't have kids. I love this post so much. Nice job, Mama. And hell yes to a fresh start in the Fall - new shoes, cool fresh air, and new beginnings. September is my New Year's Eve.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Liz Gumbinner

Awwww, I loved this so much. She IS ready, and so are you.

I think when you’ve been dealing with a lot of trauma and then your kid gets to do something as “usual” and exciting as heading off to college—and they’re ready for it—it really changes the parental perspective on the event. I know when my oldest left it felt like all the other parents were sobbing and I couldn’t get that stupid grin off my face because OMG YOU MADE IT and GO LIVE IT UP, KID! That’s also when our relationship really started to change into something more egalitarian, too. (5/5, would watch my kid blossom again!)

Here’s to all the normality and everyday miracles. Your family is due.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Liz Gumbinner

I'm waiting for your moms thoughts when she dropped you off at BU.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Liz Gumbinner

Love this! So many emotions all at once. I've done the college drop offs, the college graduations, and then the move out for good to your own place. The sheer volume of feelings is insane. There's no chapter for this in the "what to expect " baby book.

Sounds like it went well for all of you. Good luck with the continuing adjustments to new routines. And don't forget to be "selfish as fuck" when you're able.

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Amen. Word. Love. Yes.

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I felt every word you wrote. Right in the old kishka (Yiddish for solar plexus or something). Your writing is timeless, giving us all the jolt of years past and the joy of knowing that we're going to be alright. I think by telling us your truths you allow us to feel ours. Thank you.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Liz Gumbinner

Oh, I love this. This captures it all so well. You really are a lovely writer, Liz.

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Love the 9/11 Brooklyn rainbow. I hope that you find good ways to fill the quiet moments, especially because there will be more of them now. Remember there are always others that need you, just take a walk and you'll see them. You don't have to know them, hug them or even like them. Just be yourself and you will discover opportunities for sharing. Oh and if you want to challenge your perspective a bit, consider the next phase (four or more years from now) when graduation day comes. All the what now that comes with that. Life is a banquet of many years, just eat what's on your plate each day and remember to be silly sometimes.

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