"When bad things happen, they give us opportunities to grow."

Oof. Not tshirt worthy, but so damn true. Happy to see your dad doing well. 🙂

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Thank you D! (And t-shirt slogans are overrated anyway.)

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Thank you for sharing your gut punch — it turns out that I needed the same one. It’s a lesson that will stay with me. Again, thank you.

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That's really nice to hear Peter. I'm always glad to hear I'm not alone.

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Ty, Liz.

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I feel this, Liz. And I hope you will give yourself the gift of acknowledging that you are showing up with attentiveness and care right now and the now is what matters most. I like to call on the grace of, we do the best we can in the moment based on the cards and circumstances in front of us, and because life is imperfect, those situations will be imperfect.

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Thank you my friend -- you are always filled with so much wisdom. I appreciate you. ❤️

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I hope your dad heals quickly and well! My dad was hit by a car about 5 years ago, too. Luckily it was just the side window that tossed him aside (lots of scrapes and bruises, no lasting damage). I see my dad daily, as he broke his hip this past June. We got rid of his car (he's 88, so that's probably not a bad thing) but I live two doors down, so I'm his main link to the world (and the drug store/grocery store). Your article reminded me that I should spend some quality time with him, too, instead of just running in and out, because you're right, paying attention is important!

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He must be so grateful you live so close. It really is easier to take relationships for granted when you're nearby, which I'm totally guilty of. Hope you find something fun to do together.

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Thanks Liz... he can't do too much, so we go out to dinner once in a while. It's something. Although the music is always too loud and the food is never what he wanted... lol.

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Beautiful words yet again. Feeling all of them!

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Thank you Diane.

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OOOF. My daughter has done that more than once and it hits every time. I am so glad your dad is improving and that Jon nailed matzoh ball soup. <3

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What a thoughtful daughter you have raised. ❤️

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Thank you sharing this - it is hitting on multiple levels for me this morning. Today's lesson - let the damn tears flow ❤️

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Pretty Brilliant and oh so honest writing. I was right there with you Liz, remembering how I was spared so much with Tuvia from just good luck. I make it my business to grab every moment I can in my 70's... off to Tanzania on New Year's Eve. Bravo to you for your love of family.

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I remember that time, Bonnie. I'm glad you can find some positivity in it. Love to you -- and safe travels!

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As always, amazing. Imagine, still learning something new everyday at any age. Who knew????

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I am so grateful for your love and attention. That goes for my whole family and friends. You all make me feel better again.

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🥹❤️ love you. As you know.

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Love this, Liz. Sending healing vibes for your dad.

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Thank you Heather

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Everything happens for you, not to you - Byron Katie

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Never heard that before, interesting. It still sounds awfully close to me to "things happen for a reason," but I'm going to think on it and look more into her work. I appreciate you sharing.

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This hits hard. Been in multiple hospital rooms and now acute rehab with my mom who had a stroke 10 days ago. I’ve seen her more in these past days than I have in a year. So much love to you, your dad and the whole family. You are an amazing daughter 💕

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Oof Carrie, I'm so sorry. Sending you love right back and all good thoughts for her recovery. ❤️

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This resonates deeply with me. Thank you

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Thanks Terryl

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