"Put the remote down...and slowly...walk. Away. From. The. TV."

Pretty liberating, isn't it?

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It really really is!

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Yes to all you said. Especially the last graph about more time sitting with your teens, getting their perspective. Recently my son (who is long past being a teen) commented to me that the problem with “old” people not being willing to step aside at retirement age isn’t that they aren’t smart, committed, engaged, experienced, or actually wise. Many of them are, indeed, all those things. The problem is that many no longer have perspective necessary for a rapidly changing world. Of course, that isn’t what you’re talking about in this piece but I thought of it because talking with your teens is helping you maintain perspective on a world that will eventually be theirs. A world where we can be the mentors, the sounding boards, the advisors, the listeners, rather than being the Fri t line leaders. We need to pass on leadership to the youngers.

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Thanks for sharing this perspective. And yes, we can be both the mentors/leaders and the learners all at once!

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I think you know I get this...boy do I get this.

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Indeed I do. ❤️

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